Following first ambitious attempts as a drummer in a hard rock band, Boris Orlob early discovered his enduring enthusiasm for opera and singing. After passing his A-levels at the German School in Barcelona and graduating in Business Studies, Media Studies and Cultural Management at the Freie Universität Berlin, Boris Orlob worked as head of the singers’ department with the concert agency Matthias Vogt in Munich. In 1997, he established his own business in Berlin (Boris Orlob Management) which he today co-manages with his sister, Natascha van Randenborgh, and which represents a wide range of singers, conductors and stage directors.
Further, Boris Orlob is a chairman of the opera committee of IAMA and has given lectures at various german universities, the Internationale Meisterakademie Neumarkt as well as the Bertelsmann Foundation’s ‘Neue Stimmen – Creating Careers’ program for young, aspiring singers.